Storied Santa

Smart Santa

This is a premium option for HOAs Country Clubs or any group event where you have a line to see Santa. You’ve seen it in all the Santa Claus Movies. A child walks up to Santa and Santa knows their name, their age, their elf’s name, their pets, their families and all about their favorite gift and family traditions – you get the picture. 

Now through the wonders of technology, this truly amazing, magical Christmas Experience can be performed with your child(ren) using some of the most advanced electronics and a very small ear bud. Santa is hooked up to an assistant that provides the answers to things only the real Santa would know. The electronics are an important part of this effect but the most important part is my assistant that is able to mingle and without detection collect this info and relay it to me. 

As a general rule, it takes three qualifiers for a child to know they are in the presence of the real Santa. Our favorite qualifiers are the child’s name, their age, and the favorite gift I brought them last year but something they need to work on or have accomplished recently work well too. You won’t believe their reactions to the Smart Santa. Bring the Magic of Christmas back to life for them. This service requires an additional fee for Santa’s technical assistant.

These Appearances have a two-hour minimum at a rate of $350 per hour- rate includes a technical assistant.


Contact Santa Rich – the Storied Santa by Phone, Text, email, or by filling out this Short Form

Contact Info

Santa’s Email:

Workshop Phone:

Santa’s Carolinas Mail Box: